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Design Quality

Design Quality

As the face of Greater Adelaide changes, with a greater focus on urban infill, it will be important to ensure new development in existing suburbs is undertaken sensitively. The planning system will facilitate the development of neighbourhoods that reflect local identity and supports decision-making that builds local character.

Well-designed new development will help to activate open space, contribute to the streetscapes and facilitate the creation of new products for the market. The enhancement of the supporting neighbourhood infrastructure, such as streetscapes and local parks should be part of any new major development. A quality public realm not only contributes to quality of life and wellbeing, but also builds community pride and attracts investment and economic development.

Our competitiveness will be further strengthened by encouraging high quality and innovative design that create beautiful buildings and public places. New or redeveloped precincts will have unique characters, with an urban form that build on the distinctive character and valued heritage of Adelaide’s existing neighbourhoods. New and revitalised public spaces will be vibrant gathering places for our population, with active edges and managed events programs supported by innovative, adaptable infrastructure.

The following actions will be undertaken in 2017/18 to help meet this policy area:

Ref Actions Key milestones Policy Themes Other Targets Other partners Timing
Milestone progress

Release the Residential Design Guidelines to assist in creating desirable neighbourhoods and streetscapes.

Release a Residential Design Guide for the community

Design quality

Housing mix, affordability and competitivenessInfrastructure


Climate change


1, 2, 3, 6



In progress
Respond to this action in the Policy Theme Papers that will inform the Planning and Design Code


In progress

A12 Reinforce and expand the design review process to include other priority Government projects. Expand and increase awareness of the Design Review process to support design advice for Government projects.

Design quality

Adelaide city centre

Housing mix, affordability and competitiveness

4, 6


Other agencies


In progress

Deliver a digital 3D model for key growth areas


In progress

A14 Engage with the Office for Design and Architecture SA in the early phases of all government urban renewal and infrastructure projects to ensure design quality is a key consideration. Set up a dedicated pathway for government projects to access design advice

Design quality

Housing mix, affordability and competitiveness

1, 4, 5, 6 Renewal SA


A17 Encourage all significant crown developments to participate in the DIT pre-lodgement service. Set up a dedicated pathway for government projects

Design quality

Housing mix, affordability and competitiveness

1, 4 Other agencies


In progress