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What We Heard

The Department consulted widely on the Update with professionals, peak bodies, industry groups and community members. A comprehensive pre-release engagement program was undertaken to help shape the draft Update before it was released for 8 weeks of community consultation in August 2016. A wide-ranging program of conversation-style forums and other engagement activities were undertaken with key stakeholders.

The draft Update received widespread support for being more accessible and easier to read. In general, the policy themes were embraced and the policies and actions supported. Overall, the majority of the feedback received fell under the following key themes:

  • targets
  • the role of the Update in the new planning system
  • regionally specific policies
  • policy themes
  • policies and actions
  • the implementation plan.

We thank all those involved for providing feedback on the draft Update.

For more information about the feedback, the engagement process and how this finalised Update has responded, please see the Community Engagement Report (PDF, 4446 KB).