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A Green Liveable City

A Green Liveable City

Colonel Light was quite the ‘green thumb’, surrounding the city with beautiful parklands. The European cities he was used to were grey and polluted so he planned for natural vegetation to create fresh, clean air.

Inspired by Light’s vision for a green city, we want to increase vegetation across urban areas. Studies show that higher levels of natural plant life bring with them a range of social and environmental benefits - better quality of air, natural stormwater management, improved community health and more habitats for our native fauna. Going green is also a big part of our broader response to climate change.

The Update has six high-level targets to help us measure our progress on how Greater Adelaide will become a more liveable, sustainable and competitive place.

Urban green cover is increased by 20% in metropolitan Adelaide by 2045


How will we achieve this?

Particular focus will be placed on ensuring that urban infill areas maintain appropriate levels of urban greenery. Urban green cover refers to trees and shrubs located in street verges, parks and backyards.

This target will support the work being done by councils through their tree strategies which address biodiversity and quality of vegetation.

Policy themes

The Update has 14 policy themes which outline the policies and actions which will help us achieve our targets. The most relevant ones are listed below.

The following actions will be undertaken in 2017/18 to help meet this target:

Ref Actions Key milestones Policy themes / Key policies Other relevant Targets Key partners Timing
Milestone progress
A63 Pursue opportunities to plant urban green cover along arterial roads, rail corridors and medians where safe to do so. Develop guidelines to support more trees and green cover on arterial roads. Biodiversity
Health, wellbeing and inclusion
3 Councils


Investigate strategies and funding opportunities to increase the greening of recreation and sports precincts in particular areas to buffers to arterial road frontages Q4 Project Scoping
A57 Partner with local government through the Open Space grant program to plan and prioritise a series of projects which demonstrate opportunities to provide quality open space outcomes in higher density urban renewal areas. Release of the Open Space and Places for People Grants for 2017/2018 (Planning and Development Fund)Open space, sport and recreation
Health, wellbeing and inclusion
Design quality
3, 4 Councils Q1 In progress
A9 Deliver demonstration projects in the Park Lands that help create a liveable city, provide for a range of activities, and link the city to the suburbs. Delivery of Park 19

Open space, sport and recreation

Health, wellbeing and inclusion


3, 4 Adelaide City Council Q2 In progress
Delivery of Natnungga/Park 25 Q4 In progress
A59 Develop planning policies and provide guidance to assist in the delivery of green infrastructure. Delivery of the Quality Public Spaces project

Open space, sport and recreation

Health, wellbeing and inclusion


3, 4

SA Health (Lead)
DEWNR (Lead)
Other agencies

Q4 In progress

Respond to this action in the Policy Theme Papers that will inform the Planning and Design Code

Q3 Project Scoping
Green infrastructure and WSUD planning project

Water Sensitive SA (Lead) City of West Torrens, City of Mitcham and DEWNR

Q4 In progress

The following investigations will be undertaken in 2017/18 to help meet this target:

RefActionsHow will this action be implemented in 2017/18?PartnersTiming FYStatus
A62 Develop a process to ensure consistency in how green canopies and other green infrastructure are measured.

Work with key stakeholders to develop protocols around the monitoring and collection of data.

Research the options for data collection to cover finer grained detail, a broader scope of indicators and a greater geographical area.

AIA, AILA, PIA, UDIA + other key stakeholders
Q4 Project scoping