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Getting Active

Getting Active

A vibrant, liveable city needs residents who are fulfilled and happy. Incorporating even a little physical activity into your existing daily routine can bring loads of benefits.

Apart from doing great things for your health, getting active can have a positive impact on Adelaide’s future too. By riding a bike to work instead of driving, you’re freeing up our transport networks, reducing your environmental impact and contributing to minimised healthcare costs.

The Update has six high-level targets to help us measure our progress on how Greater Adelaide will become a more liveable, sustainable and competitive place.

Increase the share of work trips made by active transport modes by residents of Inner, Middle and Outer Adelaide by 30% by 2045

Inner Metro: 24%
Middle Metro: 14.4%
Outer Metro: 9.1%

How will we achieve this?

We will create greater opportunities and safer conditions for walking, cycling and accessing public transport. This will include prioritising new walking and cycling networks, connecting parklands and the Adelaide Riverbank to the city, improving street lighting and making housing close to the CBD more accessible.

Policy themes

The Update has 14 policy themes which outline the policies and actions which will help us achieve our targets. The most relevant ones are listed below.

The following actions will be undertaken in 2017/18 to help meet this target:

Ref Actions Key milestones Policy Themes Targets Key partners Timing
Milestone progress
A31 Work together with other agencies and local government to deliver demonstration projects that meet the objectives of the Safe Communities, Healthy Neighbourhoods Strategic Priority. Develop a program for work priorities for participating agencies Open space, sport and recreation Health, wellbeing and inclusion
Design quality
3, 4 DIT
Q2 Project Scoping
Commence the Adelaide Airport bikeway


Commence the Kensington Bikeway


Invest $12 million in cycling infrastructure in the City


Release of State Bicycle Fund Grants for 2017/2018 Q1

The following investigations will be undertaken in 2017/18 to help meet this target:

RefActionsKey milestonesPartnersTiming FYStatus
A44 Investigate the feasibility of collecting travel mode data which allow other trip types besides ‘journey to work’ to be measured. Conduct an investigation about how other jurisdictions conduct travel data Councils Q3 Project Scoping
Develop recommendations on how to improve how we measure this target Q4