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Walkable Neighbourhoods

Walkable Neighbourhoods

As living patterns change, our local streets will become thriving hubs of commercial and recreational activity. Creating public places where residents can meet, walk and enjoy their time is essential.

Healthy, walkable neighbourhoods are places where people can live, learn, work and play. They offer a wide range of services that can easily be reached on foot or by bicycle, including schools, healthcare, shops, parks, sports facilities and public transport. They also provide streets and multi-functional public spaces that connect people with nature and support social interaction.

The Update has six high-level targets to help us measure our progress on how Greater Adelaide will become a more liveable, sustainable and competitive place.

Increase the percentage of residents living in walkable neighbourhoods in Inner, Middle and Outer Metropolitan* Adelaide by 25% by 2045

Inner Metro: 73% 
Middle Metro: 53%
Outer Metro: 30%

*Established urban areas, including townships, in Outer Metropolitan Adelaide.

How will we achieve this?

More affordable, close to public transport, open space and local services will be encouraged. Greater emphasis will be placed on providing quality public open spaces that can support a diverse range of activities. Our streets will also be designed to better complement those walking and cycling.

The Update has 14 policy themes which outline the policies and actions which will help us achieve our targets. The most relevant ones are listed below.

The following actions will be undertaken in 2017/18 to help meet this target:

RefActions Key Milestones Policy Themes Targets Other partners Timing
Milestone progress
A29 State and local government to develop design standards for public realm and infrastructure to support well-designed, liveable neighbourhoods. Design standards are drafted for stakeholder consideration Biodiversity

Health, wellbeing and inclusion

Open space, sport and recreation
3, 5 Councils Office of Sport and Recreation Q4 Project scoping
A31 Work together with other agencies and local government to deliver demonstration projects that meet the objectives of the Safe Communities, Healthy Neighbourhoods Strategic Priority. Delivery of $6 million of public realm funding at Kilburn/Blair Athol to support the Kilburn and Blair Athol Urban Renewal

Open space, sport and recreation

Health, wellbeing and inclusion

Design quality


3, 4 Renewal SA City of Port Adelaide Enfield Q4 In progress
Undertake public transport access improvements at Klemzig, Ethelton, Paradise and Smithfield. Relevant councils Q4 In progress
Undertake improvements to the Gawler Greenway and the Mike Turner Bikeway (Low Carbon initatives) Relevant Councils Q4 In progress
A32 Investigate the role of off-set schemes to support the development of healthy neighbourhoods. Off-set scheme options are investigated for stakeholder consideration

Open space, sport and recreation

Health, wellbeing and inclusion


3, 4 Councils Q4 Project scoping

The following investigations will be undertaken in 2017/18 to help meet this target:

RefActions Key Milestones Partners Timing
A30 Investigate the feasibility of having a tailored criteria for walkable neighbourhoods located in outer metropolitan Adelaide. Undertake consultation with key stakeholders DIT Q4 Project scoping