Containing Our Urban Footprint and Protecting Our Resources
Adelaide is fortunate to have some of the country’s premier agricultural regions right on our doorstep. Where else can you hop in the car, drive less than an hour and visit some of the world’s finest wineries?
One of the biggest challenges in the future will be preserving our vital agricultural and tourism resources, while still encouraging population growth. We need to ensure new developments don’t disturb the quality of these landscapes.
The Update has six high-level targets to help us measure our progress on how Greater Adelaide will become a more liveable, sustainable and competitive place.
1.1 - 85% of all new housing in metropolitan Adelaide built in established urban areas by 2045
1.2 - 90% of all new housing in the Outer Greater Adelaide region is within the established townships and designated urban development areas
1.1 - 75%
1.2 - 88%

How will we achieve this?
The State Government’s new planning legislation will protect our food bowl, tourism assets and picturesque landscapes. The plan seeks to enable not only more development within our existing urban footprint, but to ensure that new developments complement existing neighbourhoods and provide compact, walkable and cycle friendly communities. It will mean a make it easier for people to exercise, reduce car crash fatalities and vehicle-related air pollution, and lower personal transport costs. In addition, it will protect 970,000 ha of agricultural, tourism and environmental lands against further intensive development for residential purposes.
Policy themes
The Update has 14 policy themes which outline the policies and actions which will help us achieve our targets. The most relevant ones are listed below.
Transit corridors, growth areas and activity centres (PDF, 1175 KB)
Adelaide City centre (PDF, 731 KB)
Design quality (PDF, 1062 KB)
Housing mix, affordablility and competitiveness (PDF, 2997 KB)
The economy and jobs (PDF, 1458 KB)
Infrastructure (PDF, 598 KB)
Climate change (PDF, 694 KB)
Emergency management and hazard avoidance (PDF, 760 KB)
The following actions will be undertaken in 2017/18 to help meet this target:
Ref | Actions | Key milestones | Policy Themes | Targets | Key partners | Timing FY | Milestone progress |
A2 A16 | Undertake local area planning for strategic transit corridors, train stations, activity centres and growth areas that implement the strategic directions of the Plan. | Develop supporting guidelines for local area planning | All | 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
Councils Government Agencies | Q4 | Project Scoping |
A3 | Prepare an urban renewal policy to be delivered through the new planning system - to ensure infill development is sensitively interfaced with existing suburbs. | Respond to this action in the Policy Theme Papers that will inform the Planning and Design Code | All | 2, 3, 5, 6 |
Councils Government Agencies | Q3 | In progress |
A6 | Rezone government-owned land where it implements the strategic directions of the Plan, taking account of public value and economic prosperity. | Kilburn & Blair Athol Urban Renewal Development Plan Amendment | All | 2, 4, 5 and 6 |
Renewal SA City of Port Adelaide Enfield | Q1 | Complete |
A47 | Develop guidelines that identify the appropriate thresholds for community infrastructure for new urban infill and growth area developments. | Respond to this action in the Policy Theme Papers that will inform the Planning and Design Code | 4 |
Renewal SA Other agencies | Q4 | Project Scoping | |
A48 | Pilot infrastructure schemes introduced under the PDI Act that support fair and equitable contributions by developers towards infrastructure requirements for new developments. | Initiate three pilot studies | 2 |
Renewal SA Relevant councils and other key stakeholders | Q2 | In progress | |
A52 | Update procedures and provide educational materials for planning authorities for assessment matters related to site contamination. | Undertake consultation regarding proposed site contamination policy amendments | 5 | EPA | Q2 | In progress |