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More Ways to Get Around

More Ways to Get Around

The convenience of living in close proximity to buses, trains and trams can’t be underestimated and the task of developing Adelaide’s public transport system is already well underway. Our challenge for the future is to create a strong residential population to support this transport network.

The Update has six high-level targets to help us measure our progress on how Greater Adelaide will become a more liveable, sustainable and competitive place.

60% of all new housing in metropolitan Adelaide is built within close proximity to current and proposed fixed line (rail / tram / O-Bahn) and high frequency bus routes by 2045


How will we achieve this?

A new tram system is proposed along with service upgrades for a number of train lines and higher frequency buses. More housing and employment around these public transport corridors will be encouraged. Less reliance on cars will also free up our roads, reducing emissions and relieving infrastructure costs.

In the CBD, an upgraded transport network will dovetail the city’s reimagined laneways and streets with connected transport links. Trams will loop the CBD and beyond, linking inner city suburbs and pedestrian-friendly streets.

Policy themes

The Update has 14 policy themes which outline the policies and actions which will help us achieve our targets. The most relevant ones are listed below.

The following actions will be undertaken in 2017/18 to help meet this target:

RefActions Key milestones Policy Themes Other relevant Targets Key partners Timing
Milestone progress
A4 Rezone strategic sites to unlock infill growth opportunities that directly support public transport infrastructure investment.

Undertake the Inner and Middle Metropolitan (Sites) Development Plan Amendment

All 1,3,4 Councils Q2 In progress
A5 Better integrate transport and land-use planning by strategically considering land-use development opportunities from infrastructure investment at the project scoping stage. Develop a Public Transport FrameworkTransport Infrastructure 1, 3, 4, 6 Councils Q2 In progress
Identify appropriate opportunities for better land use and transport intergration at the Oaklands Crossing Q2 In progress
Deliver the City Tram extension Councils Q3 In progress
A45 Investigate the impact of driver-less cars on our future urban form (in particular car parking requirements) and develop a policy framework to response to this technology.

Respond to this action in the Policy Theme Papers that will inform the Planning and Design Code

Transport Design quality 2 Renewal SA Q3 Project Scoping
A46 Pilot a new approach to train station upgrade planning and design that extends beyond the ‘end of the platform’ to drive more integrated outcomes, including opportunities to work with local communities. Develop a plan to integrate the infrastructure and public realm improvements at Flinders Link


Design quality

1, 3, 4 Renewal SA
Q4 In progress
A42 Review car parking rates in Greater Adelaide and develop policies in the Planning and Design Code that allow a reduced minimum car parking provision for mixed-use development located within easy access to high frequency public transport and for development that demonstrates a reduced reliance on private car use such as student housing. Respond to this action in the Policy Theme Papers that will inform the Planning and Design Code


1, 3, 4 Renewal SA
Q3 Project Scoping