Greater Housing Choices
We need to cater for a broad range of age groups and lifestyles with a more diverse range of housing choices. Within Greater Adelaide, the trend towards more single and two person households means there is the need for more units, apartments and terrace housing in accessible locations. More diverse housing will give our ageing population the chance to live in safer, more comfortable housing while offering first home buyers the best chance to own their own homes in the places they want to live.
The Update has six high-level targets to help us measure our progress on how Greater Adelaide will become a more liveable, sustainable and competitive place.
Increase housing choice by 25% to meet changing household needs in Greater Adelaide by 2045
Metropolitan Adelaide: 75% of new dwellings are detached houses
Townships: 90% of new dwellings are detached houses

How will we achieve this?
There will be a stronger focus on supporting increased housing choice, including affordable housing options. This will include facilitating additional housing types beyond our plentiful supply of detached houses and multi-storey apartments, in a variety of locations i.e. ‘next generation granny flats’, row terraces, garage top studios and laneway housing.
Housing choice is also about quality design. Whether a home is large or small, good design has the power to create great living environments.
Policy themes
The Update has 14 policy themes which outline the policies and actions which will help us achieve our targets. The most relevant ones are listed below.
The following actions will be undertaken in 2017/18 to help meet this target:
Ref | Actions | Key milestones | Policy Themes | Other Targets | Other partners | Timing FY | Milestone progress |
A18 | Undertake a typology study which identifies a range of exemplar infill housing types and demonstrate these in Renewing Our Streets and Suburbs sites. | Undertake a typology study – Support material to the Design Guidelines | 1, 2, 6 |
Renewal SA Councils UDIA | Q3 | In progress | |
A23 | Deliver flagship projects where government leads by example in creating world-class liveable places. | Release the Southern Innovation Area Development Plan Amendment for consultation | 4, 6 |
Councils UDIA, Property Council | Q2 | In progress | |
A27 | Develop a policy framework to support projects that provide for aged care and retirement accommodation to meet growing demand. | Respond to this action in the Policy Theme Papers that will inform the Planning and Design Code | 1, 2, 4 | Councils | Q3 | Project Scoping |
The following investigations will be undertaken in 2017/18 to help meet this target:
Ref | Actions | Key milestones | Partners | Timing FY | Status |
A28 | Investigate the best way to measure housing diversity by reviewing the way that housing types are categorised. | Consult with key stakeholders to identify potential methodologies |
Renewal SA Councils AIA UDIA | Q4 | Project Scoping |